Develop training materials and provide training on tourism skill sets that work for community based tourism (CBT) service providers, CBT groups such as hospitality, cooking, guide as well as marketing and sale of tourism products.
Without confidence, community members will struggle to deliver the CBT product. Local capacity building should not only raise participants’ knowledge and skills to perform a function, but also raise their confidence and motivation to do so. This is important in order to build a sense of empowerment, passion and belief that they can run their own tourism business. High levels of confidence and motivation are likely to increase self esteem, and strengthen cooperation between community members and other tourism stakeholders, which enhances community governance.
HOSTABILITYProviding each guest with a great experience is always the top priority in the hospitality industry. But, having a well-designed space, strategic location, or beautiful amenities is not enough to guarantee customer satisfaction. To deliver excellent service for your guests and convince them to keep coming back, you need to invest in hospitality training. In this training, you learn how to operate, lodge management, food and beverage preparation, housekeeping, menu planning, cleaning, interacting with guests, etc.
COOKINGCookery is the process of preparing and cooking and serving food to your guests. Sampling the local cuisine is an important reason why tourists visit a homestay. Therefore, when planning a menu it is important to have a good understanding of the expectations of your guests and their culinary differences so that you can deliver a meal that they will find not only tasty, but also a positive cultural experience. Equally important is knowing how to choose and store food wisely, as well as how to practice good food and kitchen hygiene.
GUIDETour guide training is a competency-based, adult education activity with an emphasis on knowledge transmission and skill acquisition. The guide training should lead to change, not only in terms of knowledge and skills, but also in attitudes and behaviour. It argues that good guide training should alter how guides think and act, and suggests that if trainee guides learn how to critique their own knowledge, attitudes and behaviour, they will be able to offer their clients (tourists) something more than a superficial introduction to a new environment, country or culture.
LANGUAGE SKILLSLanguage and tourism are essentially interconnected by the cross-border movement of tourists and the resulting encounters of people who often speak different languages. Language barriers, as many travellers and hosts in tourism destinations experience, can pose major obstacles to host-guest interactions and cross-cultural communication. The ability to speak foreign languages is an advantage, especially in the tourism industry where people of different linguistic backgrounds interact. A good command of English plays an important part for delivering quality services in the tourism and hospitality industry. We teach English, French for communities to meet the need for more meaningful communication and shared experiences among guests and their host communities.
MARKETING AND SALESThis course takes a practical perspective in introducing trainees to the marketing of homestay, hotels, restaurants, and other tourism services. Trainees will gain insight into market segmentation, and marketing research. They will examine various forms of marketing such as: sales, advertising, public relations, promotions, data base marketing, and electronic marketing. Trainees will also have an opportunity to investigate the cost associated with marketing by exploring rates and fares, packaging, customer service, pricing strategies, revenue maximization, marketing budget preparation, marketing law, travel purchasing systems, and the future of hospitality marketing.
Assessment of training needs for the target group
Adjust training programs and materials to suit needs, cultural characteristics and ethnic groups
Organize training with learner centered teaching method and combination of theory inputs and practical cases of learners
Provide Coaching/Mentor support as follow-up of the training to ensure applicability in real work.
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