• Sustainable bamboo shoot development
  • Sustainable bamboo shoot development
  • Sustainable bamboo shoot development
  • Sustainable bamboo shoot development
  • Sustainable bamboo shoot development
  • Sustainable bamboo shoot development
  • Sustainable bamboo shoot development

    Economic empowerment for ethnic minority women through developing a clean bamboo shoot value chain – Bamboo Shoots Van Ho

     PERIOD: From 2019- 2022


    Bamboo Shoot Van Ho project derives from the Gender-Responsive Equitable Agriculture and Tourism (GREAT) Program funded by Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) in Vietnam to promote gender equality and women’s economic empowerment, with a specific focus on ethnic minority women.


    • People’s Committee of Van Ho district; Van Ho Women Union.
    • Kim Bôi Bamboo Shoot Company, and others.
    • Management board of Xuân Nha Forest.


    • Develop sustainable material areas for bamboo shoot commodity, associating with enterprise’s value chain;
    • Strengthen capacity for women through support to production re-organization, production process application, sustainable bamboo shoot harvesting and preliminary processing according to the market demand;
    • Enhance awareness to improve the economic power, voice and position of EM women in the family and community;
    • Assist the improvement of policy environment to support sustainable bamboo shoot production in Van Ho district in order to promote the cooperation between enterprises and farmers/women.


    • Develop market based and pro-poor value chains, Market System Development;
    • Skill and knowledge development to support the production of high-quality and organic certified bamboo shoots;
    • Mainstream Economic, Environmental, Social and Cultural sustainability dimensions in project interventions;
    • Promote People – Private – Public Partnership for the development and marketing of bamboo shoots;
    • Advocate government authorities to offer enabling policies for the development of sustainable bamboo shoots collections.


    • 2654 Ethnic Minority women had increasing income and seasonal employment, participating in social activities thanks to a series of training on production skills and value chain.
    • 2595 Ethnic Minority households improved their livelihoods and benefited from increasing their income.
    • At least 450 husbands of women participating in the cooperative groups and 2000 people in the three communes have access to information on gender equality.
    • Provincial policy-making agencies related to material areas (People’s Committee, Phong Nha Forest Protection Unit Management Board) approved recommendations of the 3 communes and enterprises to exploit and develop sustainable bamboo

      shoots, and replicated the model to 4 districts of Sop Cop, Song Ma, Phu Yen and Bac Yen of Son La province

    • Three 20-years business contracts were signed between Yen Thanh Company to produce and export bamboo shoot to Japan and Taiwan 





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